How to Increase WordPress Memory Limit

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Follow these steps to increase WordPress memory limit:

  • Log into your cPanel from within your G Online Sites clientarea
  • Locate and click the File Manager menu in the Files section
  • Click Public_html
  • Search and select the wp-config.php file and right-click Edit
  • Add the following code right before the / That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. /‘ line:
  • define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M' );
  • You can enter any value where 512M was stated. 512M is the memory limit you want to set:

You can also change the WP_MEMORY_LIMIT via the wp-includes folder and edit the default-constants.php file.

To confirm whether your changes have got into effect, create a PHP info.php file. To create an info.php file, follow the steps in this guide.

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